Erie County Water Authority Bill Pay
From the comfort of your home you can review such information as billing and payment history pending payments consumption. All of the water that is distributed is purchased from the cities of Sandusky Huron Vermilion and Northern Ohio Rural Water which have their own facilities for treating water from Lake Erie. Erie County Water Authority There are a couple of fees which may appear on your bill. Erie county water authority bill pay . Account origination fee - this is a onetime charge used to cover the expenses of creating your new account. Mon-Fri 830AM 430PM. Pay your bill easily and conveniently online. Enter your reading online at Your Account Call 716 849-8426 to phone in your reading via our 247 automated system. By Mail - use enclosed payment envelope included with your bill. Sign up for paperless billing. Doxo is the simple protected way to pay your bills with a single account and accomplish your financial goals. Report shows drinking water is of high qual...