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What Percentage Of Catholic Priests Have Been Accused

Estimating the number of priests and deacons active in the same period at 110000 the report concluded that approximately 4. 11 Bishop Accountability a website that tracks accusations has named 6433 priests brothers and Catholic school officials accused of abuse. Seven Per Cent Of Australian Catholic Priests Since 1950 Have Been Accused Of Abuse South China Morning Post Limiting their study to plausible accusations made between 1950 and 1992 John Jay researchers reported that about 4 percent of the 110000 priests active during those years had. What percentage of catholic priests have been accused . Extraordinary figures released by the Sex Abuse Royal Commission on Monday show 7 percent of all Catholic priests were alleged perpetrators of child sex abuse and the average age of victims was pre-teen. Catholic priests molestation list accused of sexual abuse andor sexual assault of minors. Gail Furness is making an opening statement on Monday. About seven percent of Catholic p...