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What Happens When You Don T Pay Your Credit Card

But they might only pay 2 cents on the dollar for those. Legally speaking the bank cannot charge you these fees unless you agreed to them beforehand when you signed up for the credit card. What Really Happens When You Don T Pay Your Credit Card Bill If you continue to avoid paying the credit card company will write your debt off as a loss which is called a charge-off. What happens when you don t pay your credit card . The card issuer can report that your account is 60 days past due to the credit bureaus which will hurt. Always pay your credit card bill on time. Your Card Gets Frozen If youre really in a bad spot and you dont pay your credit card bill for several months most likely the creditor is going to freeze your account and prevent you from making any new purchases. Once an unsecured creditor obtains a judgment they can then attach your non. After One Missed Credit Card Payment Okay now lets consider what happens after you have missed one payment and remember paying l...