Ascension Mercy Hospital
The NPI number of Ascension Ne Wisconsin Mercy Hospital Inc mercy Medical Center Of Oshkosh Inc is 1043438492 and was assigned on April 2007. Ascension is working to keep our communities healthy during this time and prevent the spread of infection while continuing to care for those who need us most. Ascension Mercy Hospital Volunteer Oshkosh Doctors at Ascension NE Wisconsin-Mercy Campus. Ascension mercy hospital . This hospital has been recognized for Outstanding Patient Experience Award and Americas 100 Best Hospitals for Spine Surgery Award. The current location address for Ascension Ne Wisconsin Mercy Hospital Inc is 500 S Oakwood Rd Oshkosh Wisconsin and the contact number is 920-720-1464. Our OB-GYN maternity care teams at our Birthing Center deliver a personalized birthing experience and advanced neonatal care for sick babies. Working closely with our talented cardiac care team who recognize the need to continually improve patient care through equipment and technolo...